02 October 2011

2 Highs and a Low

Lets play 2 highs and a low (with pictures and stories - not correlating)

High (pictures): I left campus the last two weekends and headed to the beach to grade... Nothing like soaking up the rays and walking down the shore, collecting rocks and sea glass while working through student posters and notebooks!

High #1 (story): After submitting an application and a cover letter for one of a few offered leadership roles, I have been given the opportunity to serve as the Service Learning Coordinator for our whole campus! While I am not sure the exact duties of this role, I do know that I will be planning and overseeing our monthly service projects taking place on our campus and extending into the greater Jeju Island community, as well as working with our international trip leaders to prepare for our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade trips scheduled for a week in February - each traveling to and serving in a different country!

High #2 (story): I was approached by our Business Director and asked if I would be interested in acting as the English MC for our Opening ceremony in 2 weeks... Boy - Would I?! I get an absolute natural high when I get in front of audiences. Plus, I have been making an effort to speak clearly, audibly, and slowly with the hopes that my students can take in most of the information that I share with them on a daily basis. Guess the business staff noticed! Oh, and check this out… On top of this awesome honor, I secured a 30-second spot for my cheerleaders to perform a cheer!

Hey Islanders – yeah?
Hey Islanders – yeah?
Are you ready? – for what?
We got our hands up high with excitement
And that’s the way we REPRESENT!

Low (picture): in case you cannot tell by my "oh so happy" expression - it was SOOOOOO windy and cold (and if there is anything I hate, it is being cold!) I was not dressed appropriately for the weather.

Low (story): On Friday, I had to read an announcement to my advisory class… These are 7th graders that are not my students throughout the week, but I do have an 80-minute session every Friday with them where we talk about real life and how they are doing. I will be their advisor for as long as I remain at KIS. Anyways… this note that I read referred to an 8th grade student who had been expelled for not following our school guidelines of respect and responsibility. Good opportunity to talk about how the school is protecting all the students and keeping our promise of providing a comfortable learning environment for everyone, right?! No biggie.

Well, one of my students, Danny, asked to use the restroom almost immediately after I read this within the first 10 minutes of class – and he didn’t return. I was pretty upset – and seeing that he left his Macbook in my class, I took it and headed to our afterschool open-gym activity. Here is where the kicker comes in…

About 45 minutes into open volleyball, a teacher calls me aside and tells me that Danny had been in the Dean of Life’s office for the past 2 hours. The kid expelled… his brother! L Ahhhhh…. If I had known this going into the situation, I could have consoled him through the period – and really, I probably would have presented the information to the class in a completely different manner. He needed his computer, so as I was walking him to my room, we spoke briefly. I apologized for not being sympathetic or realizing the announcement was having an affect on him – since it was the first time he had heard the news! He struggled to keep his tears from falling free, and said that he hoped he would be able to continue school here. Can you pray that Danny’s parents will consider allowing their younger son to create his own path and not be forced to follow the path of his brother’s mistakes. Danny has an incredible heart, a good head on his shoulders, and I really think he deserves this chance.

So, have I mentioned that my students are incredible?! 6th graders are at such a great age... By the way - do you know about Korean age? 

Check this out… when you are born in Korea, you are automatically 1 year old. I guess there is an assumption that you age while you are in your mother’s womb? So… once January 1st hits, they gain another year on their age! For example: one of our Boarding Assistants, Young, was born November 8, 1983. On that day, he was 1 year old. Then, January 1, 1984 he was “unofficially” 2 years old (in America, we still haven’t hit 2 months!) Come November 8, 1984, he “officially” turns 2 (and in America he would just be 1 year old). So, while I consider most of my students to be mentally and physically 11 years old (American age), they consider themselves, and many of them act, 12-13 years old.  Weird!

Anyways, back to my 6th graders and how great they are! It is so amazing to be able to really TEACH and put best practices into action. I do not spend more than 2-3% of my energy on behavior management - my biggest issue within the first two weeks has been a table of giggly boys that I had to separate during a silent activity... While I still think that teaching may not be my long-term calling, I sure am enjoying the experience on our campus. Hours are long and weeks fade into the weekend, but I am enjoying every minute of it!  It is so great to finally feel like I am an actively contributing member to a community!

Ok… last little piece of info. Today, I ran a 5k (well… ran 3k – and after realizing I missed the turn-around point, I decided to just walk the other 3 back). While this was no marathon (which 2 of our boarding assistants DID run with times of 3:46 and 4:46!) it had been close to a year and a half since I have run 3 miles in one extended period of time. While it was not the best run of my life, it probably did have one of the best views I have ever witnessed. Black rock and white sand beaches… and I LIVE here! 

Right before the race:
Tim and Wesley - Full Marathon
Melanie - 10k
Sara - attempt at a 5k

(PS: the actual run was on a road along the coast - this picture is obviously for dramatic effect!)

Missing you from Jeju! 

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